
  • 4 years ago

    Booking for Vasaåket 2021 is open

    An open arena and the possibility of completing Vasaåket whenever you want between February 12 and March 7 on location in the Vasaloppet Arena. That's the concept when Vasaloppet's Winter Week 2021 is cancelled and replaced with a covid-safe alternative. Booking for Vasaåket is now open, welcome!

  • 4 years ago

    Visma Ski Classics launch plan B, and Vasaloppet on March 7th for elite skiers

    With increasing cases of Covid-19 infections in Italy and most European countries during the last couple of weeks, Visma Ski Classics has decided to postpone the start of Season XI. The start is now planned to mid-January with the expectation that the situation will improve by the end of the year. To strengthen the later part of the season, a new event has been added: Årefjällsloppet 100 km on March 27th! Vasaloppet will publish more information in English on Monday November 9th.

  • 4 years ago

    New race – Trailvasan 10 premieres in August 2021

    An evening race, starting and finishing in Mora, open to all who'd like to try running in forefathers' tracks. With lots of paths, technical terrain and hills at sunset. That's the concept of Trailvasan 10, Vasaloppet's newest race. "With Trailvasan 10 we're giving even more people the chance to cross the finish line in Mora," says Tommy Höglund, Vasaloppet's Sport Manager.  

  • 4 years ago

    Keep training for Vasaloppet's Winter Week 2021

    There's still a large degree of uncertainty in the world related to the ongoing covid-19 pandemic. This that means that there may be changes to the Vasaloppet's Winter Week 2021 schedule. "The Winter Week will take place in some form. We urge all participants to keep training with the goal of crossing the finish line, and we will work towards our goal of welcoming you all to the Vasaloppet Arena in the winter of 2021," says Johan Eriksson, acting CEO of Vasaloppet.

  • 4 years ago

    528 participants completed Vasaloppstrippeln 2020

    Looking back at the unusual Vasaloppet year of 2020, Vasaloppet can happily announce that 528 participants completed their Vasaloppstrippeln after cycling and running races in Hemmavasan. In addition, several participants have chosen to save their ski race from this past winter and instead complete Vasaloppstrippeln in combination with Vasaloppet's Summer Week on August 13–21, 2021. But who managed the achievement this year? All the names are now available, along with home regions and results.

  • 5 years ago

    Hemmavasan is here to stay – in some form

    Over 12,000 participants in 20 countries around the world have crossed their finish line, completing over 18.5 spins around the Earth, 743,172 km, on bike and foot. Sweden and the rest of the world has been put in motion during Hemmavasan's historic premiere – an event that is returning in some shape or other.

  • 5 years ago

    Preparing for Hemmavasan 2020 – county by county, race by race

    Interest in training at home and cycling has reached record heights during the pandemic. With just one day until the first start, registrations are coming in for Vasaloppet's Hemmavasan 2020. There are right now (August 14)  over 14,000 people registered, in 20 different countries, to bike or run Hemmavasan on their home turf and in the virtual Vasaloppet Arena between August 15 and 22. There are eight races to choose from – all of which can be completed in the terrain and on the surface of your choice. Here we'll present some participation statistics from different counties plus celebrity participants and other other useful information for participants and those following along.

  • 5 years ago

    Johan Eriksson acting CEO of Vasaloppet

    Vasaloppet's Development Manager Johan Eriksson has been appointed acting CEO of Vasaloppet. A post he will hold for the next six months at least. Next up is the virtual Hemmavasan, where over 12,000 registered cyclists and runners in 20 countries will participate on their home turfs during the period of August 15–22.

  • 5 years ago

    Over 9,000 have already secured their start place in Vasaloppet's Summer Week 2021 – registration for everyone is open

    After the decision that Vasaloppet's Summer Week 2020 will not run on location in the Vasaloppet Arena due to the covid-19 pandemic, those 18,000 with registered start places have now chosen how to proceed. In summary over 9,000 have chosen to move their start to next year and over 8,500 will participate in Hemmavasan this summer. Registration for the Summer Week 2021 and Hemmavasan 2020 is now opening for everyone.

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