
  • 5 years ago

    Vasaloppet removes all glide wax with fluorine

    Vasaloppet has decided to, as early as this winter, remove all ski waxes that contain fluorine-based substances from the official wax service due to environmental and health risks connected to these products.

  • 5 years ago

    We're right on track!

    Preparations for Vasaloppet's Winter Week and the 95th Vasaloppet since 1922 are well underway along the whole Vasaloppet track. We hope you had a good holiday break with opportunities to charge your batteries and polish your technique in preparation for your race in forefathers' tracks; take your time and come well-prepared to the start in just over a month. We look forward to seeing you!

  • 5 years ago

    Watch our Nattvasan videos

    Most who have skied Nattvasan will tell you that it's a magical experience but also a great challenge that puts you to the test in the dark of evening and night. In the Vasaloppet School you'll find some instructional videos that can help you prepare with things that are knowing beforehand and keeping in mind out in the tracks.

  • 5 years ago

    Registration for Blåbärsloppet 2019 has opened

    Want to try skiing a Vasaloppet Winter Week race but not as far as the other races? Then you should register for Blåbärsloppet, held on Saturday, March 2, 2019. Blåbärsloppet is 9 kilometres long, starting in Eldris and finishing in Mora. Anyone can participate.

  • 6 years ago

    Vasaloppet encourages travelling together

    Vasaloppet's Winter Week 2019 has over 52,000 registered participants already, and now train and bus booking is really taking off as well. Vasaloppet offers several transportation solutions this winter, for example with buses to start locations. Those travelling via SJ trains to Mora are also offered a ten percent discount on their ticket price.

  • 6 years ago

    Vasaloppet is launching a new race: Nattvasan 45

    Nattvasan 90 ran for the first time in 2017. Many have described the race as a magical experience, but also as one of the toughest challenges you can face in the Vasaloppet Arena. Participants, skiing in pairs, have to face the alien experience of late night skiing as well as the compact winter darkness surrounding them in the tracks.

  • 6 years ago

    Vasaloppet introduces new start procedure for Öppet Spår

    In Vasaloppet's Winter Week 2019 the 39th Öppet Spår will introduce a new starting procedure; group starts every ten minutes based on a self-seeding system where participants estimate their finishing time when registering and get placed in start groups accordingly. This will give the race a better flow and reduce queueing before the start.

  • 6 years ago

    Early snow in Mora on November 8, 2018 – that's guaranteed!

    The Vasaloppet Arena opens for skiing on Thursday, November 8 at 17:00. We will boldly state that there's probably never been so many early opportunities for skiing at Swedish resorts and facilities. When are specific destinations opening for cross-country skiing? We have the answers.

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