
  • 7 years ago

    Olsson and Hovdenak won Cykelvasan 90, 2018

    Michael Olsson, Team Serneke Allebike, and Hildegunn Gjertrud Hovdenak, Nesset CK, won the tenth Cykelvasan this Saturday. Both winning cyclists settled the outcome on the final stretch with very strong spurt finishes. "It's huge to win this and so wonderful for the team. We bike so well together," said Michael Olsson.

  • 7 years ago

    Cykelvasan 2018 – the biggest Nordic mountain bike race celebrates its tenth anniversary

    Vasaloppet's Summer Week and Cykelvasan take place in 2018 for the tenth year in a row. Since the start in 2009 a total of over 111,100 participants have biked across the finish line in Cykelvasan's first nine years. So far over 24,000 cyclists are registered for 2018. The main race, Cykelvasan 90 on Saturday, is fully booked but there are start places available in all other races for those itching for a thrilling bike ride. Here we have collected news, facts, statistics and information about Cykelvasan, the biggest Nordic mountain bike race.

  • 7 years ago

    Total fire ban declared

    The ground is very dry after weeks of warm weather. Forest fires rage around the country and emergency services are making fantastic efforts to minimize damages. We encourage everyone to adhere to the fire regulations declared by each municipality.

  • 7 years ago

    Already 20,000 registered for Cykelvasan 2018!

    With three months to go there are already over 20,000 cyclists registered for Cykelvasan during the tenth annual Vasaloppet Summer Week in 2018! Even though the main race, Cykelvasan 90, is fully booked, there are still many start places available for those who wish to bike a Cykelvasan race out in the beautiful nature of the Vasaloppet Arena.

  • 7 years ago

    The 10th anniversary Cykelvasan 90 is fully booked

    The tenth Cykelvasan will run on Saturday, August 11, 2018 along the classic Sälen–Mora stretch. Today, this year's Cykelvasan 90 became fully booked – which means 13,000 registered. The race filled up almost two months earlier than last year, cementing its position as the nation's biggest cross-country bike race. Meanwhile there are almost 2,500 places left in the popular Cykelvasan Öppet Spår.

  • 7 years ago

    Vasaloppet 2019 fully booked – training conditions are already excellent

    Registration for Vasaloppet 2019 opened this Sunday morning. Vasaloppet is now fully booked and, after a few hours, slightly over 30,000 participants have registered for the races in Vasaloppet's Winter Week 2019. For those who want to start ski training in the Vasaloppet Arena there is still plenty of snow and Vasaloppet will be preparing tracks for every weekend as long as the snow supply is there.

  • 7 years ago

    Vasaloppet's Winter Week 2018 in numbers – registration for 2019 opens on Sunday

    For the ninth year in a row, over fifty thousand participants managed to complete their Winter Week race. This year 52,912 (counting all five Stafettvasan participants) reached the finish in Mora. Put together, they skied over three million kilometres. 3,928 participants aborted their races, and in total there were 66,700 registered participants, counting the 745 children in Barnens Vasalopp.

  • 7 years ago

    Enervit becomes Vasaloppet's fifth Main Sponsor

    Enervit pulls ahead by becoming a main sponsor for Vasaloppet. The company, founded in Italy, creates nutrition for athletes and has collaborated with Vasaloppet since 2009. From August 2018 they will be one of five main sponsors. "We're very happy that Enervit wishes to develop their work with us and become a main sponsor. For Vasaloppet this brings great opportunities to raise international awareness of our brand and our year-round activities," says Eva-Lena Frick, CEO for Vasaloppet.

  • 7 years ago

    Andreas Nygaard and Lina Korsgren won Vasaloppet 2018

    Vasaloppet 2018 offered exciting upheavals in both the men's and women's class. Norwegian Andreas Nygaard spurted his way to victory ahead of Swedish surprise Bob Impola in the men's class, and Lina Korsgren ended up winning the women's class almost five minutes ahead of Astrid Öyre Slind.

  • 7 years ago

    Facts, statistics, news and trivia for the 94th Vasaloppet

    The 94th Vasaloppet will start in Sälen on Sunday, March 4, 2018, at 08:00. The 15,800 start places were fully booked in under five minutes, when released two weeks after last year's race. In total around 65,000 participants have registered for the ten races in Vasaloppet's Winter Week 2018. This is the 41st year that Vasaloppet will be broadcast live on Swedish Television. Here is some background information for the world's biggest cross-country ski race.

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