Loyalty program implemented for Vasaloppet skiers
Registration for Vasaloppet's eight ski races in 2016 opens on Sunday March 22 at 09:00 on Vasaloppet's website. Due to the great interest in the 90 kilometre Vasaloppet a loyalty program is implemented in order to safeguard returning participants. Vasaloppet regards those who have taken part in at least three 90 km ski races (Vasaloppet or Öppet Spår), over the past six years (2010–2015), as loyal participants. These will get priority and a guaranteed spot in next year's Vasaloppet.
This group is estimated to take up a maximum of 5,000 start places out of the total 15,800. Registration for these loyal participants will be open between Monday March 16 and Thursday March 19.
”We have developed a model that can guarantee start places for our loyal participants while at the same time leaving room for those making their debut. Historically we have, for many years, had a split of about 50 percent new participants and 50 percent returning participants. This can now continue but with a guarantee for our most loyal skiers,” says Anders Selling, Vasaloppet’s CEO.
All other registrations for Vasaloppet’s Winter Week 2016 can be done on Sunday March 22 via a temporary registration page on ”My Pages” – which is reached through the start page. Vasaloppet and StafettVasan utilize the advance booking system which has been in use for several years. This is because an especially large interest is anticipated in those two races.
Registration for other ski races will also be done through the temporary registration page during Sunday March 22. For these races Vasaloppet use the regular registration process with logging in, booking and immediate payment.
”We have worked to find a model that is both fair and clear. Now we have a simple approach which shows regard for our most loyal participants, while at the same time communicating a date and time for registration,” says Marcus Berndt, who is responsible for Vasaloppet’s competition administration.